Transfer Pricing Decision Based on Tax Expenses, Tunneling Incentives, Bonus, and Audit Quality

  • Nanik Erawati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Surabaya
  • fidiana fidiana Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Surabaya
Keywords: Tax Expense, Tunneling Incentive, Bonus Scheme, Audit Quality, Transfer Pricing


This research aimed to empirically examine the effect of tax expense, tunneling incentive, bonus mechanism, and audit quality on the decision of transfer pricing. The tax expense was referred to ETR, tunneling incentive was referred to TUN, bonus mechanism was referred to ITRENDLB, and audit quality which was dummy variable referred as number 1 when was audited by The Big Four; and number 0 when was audited by Non-The Big Four. The population was manufacturing companies and by purposive sampling criteria, there were 23 companies as sample. By using multiple reggression, the research resulted that tax expense, tunneling incentive, bonus mechanism and audit quality did not affect the decision of transfer pricing. It can be explained that it was caused The Directorate General of Taxes had made regulation of the principle of fairness and custom of business. In addition, the principle was applied for transaction between taxpayers and some people who had special relationship. Consequently, the tax payers had to pay attention on its transaction to some people who had special relation and consider its normal price.


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How to Cite
Erawati, N., & fidiana, fidiana. (2023). Transfer Pricing Decision Based on Tax Expenses, Tunneling Incentives, Bonus, and Audit Quality. Global Journal of Accounting, 9(1), 1-10. Retrieved from